Do You Need Disability Insurance?

Wellman Shew
3 min readMar 21, 2023


While looking at insurance options, few individuals consider adding disability protection to their policy. They could hope that if they become disabled, they would be protected by their employer’s disability insurance or Social Security disability payments.

This is not always the case, however. But, if you become disabled for an extended period, not even a sizable emergency fund can pay your regular costs.

If you cannot work because of a sickness or accident, disability insurance may help restore some of your lost income. If you have to rely on your salary to cover your monthly expenses, this should be a priority in your financial security strategy.

It’s preferable to workers’ compensation, which temporarily replaces a portion of lost wages. Many Californians have access to SDI (state disability insurance), which may replace up to 60% of their salary if an injury or sickness prevents them from working.

While individual insurance is more costly than group policies, they provide superior long-term disability protection and often last a person’s lifetime. And the advantages may be tailored to your preferences and financial situation.

The assistance of a qualified insurance agent or financial advisor will allow you to comprehend your choices better and get an accurate quotation for a disability policy tailored to your specific needs. One of your most precious things is probably your income, which a handicap might severely reduce.
If you cannot work due to a sickness or accident, disability insurance may help ensure you continue receiving a steady income. It is crucial to comprehend the taxation structure governing such income.

Depending on the circumstances and the payer, long-term disability (LTD) payments may be subject to taxation. Most long-term disability (LTD) insurance is provided by an employer and funded entirely or partly by payroll deductions.

Unlike health insurance payments, frequently deducted pre-tax from employees’ paychecks, LTD premiums are not tax deductible. Hence, if you are not handicapped, your premiums will be considered regular income and taxed accordingly when you get disability payments.

Hence, maintain tabs on your insurance and make your payments on time. Being abruptly unable to work might significantly strain one’s financial resources. It would help if you had the highest level of safety available. Find a reasonable and suitable disability insurance policy.

You might get compensation between 60% and 80% of your annual salary before your impairment begins. You might get benefits for up to five years or until a particular age, say 65.

Your company may provide disability insurance to you either as a group or individual plan. When comparing the two, the latter is the superior option for individuals who either do not have access to disability coverage via their employer or who want to complement their existing workplace benefits.

Individual disability insurance policies are normally more portable than group disability plans but are also more costly. This is the case as an employer often requires participation in a group plan. Your disability insurance will end as soon as you leave your current employer or accept a position with a new one.

If you’re disabled, you may be wondering whether it’s worthwhile to invest in disability insurance. To put it simply, yeah. Even a little investment (only 1%-3% of your income) may provide you peace of mind in a catastrophe.

Your income level and the extent of your coverage are only two variables that affect your monthly premium. Disability insurance, for instance, is more costly for independent contractors and the self-employed than for larger company employees.

Regardless of your current financial status, you should include disability insurance in your long-term budget. Getting this kind of insurance may be like having an emergency fund of three to six months’ worth of living costs so that you aren’t financially bound in the event of an accident or illness.

Another option for lowering premiums is selecting a policy with fewer riders and a shorter benefit duration. One alternative is to add a cost-of-living adjustment rider to your policy, which will raise your benefits in the event of price increases.



Wellman Shew

Fresno resident Wellman Shew has worked in the California health insurance and employee benefits industries for many years as an entrepreneur & business leader